Such a cool sudoku solver

Such a cool sudoku solver
Are you tired of playing sudoku ? surely yes.
BAME-OCR is the Ultimate way of solving sudoku ; take a picture,
send it to BAME-OCR and Voila !
Now you can finaly play sudoku without playing, such a
BAME-OCR uses complex algorithms to detect the sudoku grid on your picture, even if it is rotated ; but also real IA, not some marketing ones, to detect the numbers on the grid.
On your left is BAME-OCR graphical user interface (GUI), which let's computer noobies use BAME-OCR without knowing the superior command line interface.
BAME-OCR need to be download from its git and compile on your computer. BAME-OCR is made for linux devices. Futher instruction are on the project README, which you can find on the git bellow.